Sunday, February 26, 2012
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Water Aerobics
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Friday, July 18, 2008
Bonjour, Nous Sommes de Retour!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Au Revoir, Mes Amis et Bonjour, France!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
“Jesus, draw me ever nearer as I labor through this storm
You have called me to this passage and I’ll follow though I’m worn.”
Good friends are precious and hard to find. I love my friends. They help me in so many ways whether they know it or not.
Years ago, one of these friends’ young daughter ended up in the hospital with a sudden and emergent, very life-threatening condition. It was such a shock to everyone. She had surgery and was hospitalized for just about 10 weeks. My friend was at her side every step of the way (as any parent would be).
“Jesus guide me through the tempest, keep my spirits staid and sure
When the midnight meets the morning, let me love you even more.”
Early on in the hospital stay, when the situation was dire with many unanswerable questions, I came to visit with them. On this occasion I was lucky enough to be there to pray with them. Oh, what a prayer! It was sweet and simple, full of trust, love and most of all, faith.
“LORD, we thank You for trusting us with this,” prayed my friend’s husband, a very sanguine, happy-go-lucky, jokester-kind-of-person.
“Let the treasures of the trial form within me as I go
And at the end of this long passage, let me leave them at Your throne.”
To say I was shocked is an understatement. I was so humbled and, yes, grateful that these people were my friends. The words drove straight into my heart and I have never forgotten them. I have carried this short but pure and simple prayer with me ever since that time. I have brought it to mind when I have been in small storms of my own. Those words have been a blessing to me!
“May this journey bring a blessing, may I rise on wings of faith
And at the end of my heart’s testing, with your likeness, let me wake.”
That was more than a decade ago and that young daughter has her own little girl, (my friend’s sweet granddaughter), and is doing wonderfully in every respect.
What a blessing!
Song: Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer
Music by Keith Getty Lyrics by Margaret Becker
2Cor 4:16, 17
16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Josh Meets Surfboard Head On...And Sees Stars!
An early morning wave carried upside-down Tyler (riding Eric's surfboard) into the side of Joshua’s head. The impact was so forceful it not only caused Josh a concussion, loss of consciousness, hole in the head and an awful headache but also broke the tip of the surfboard! Here’s the scoop as told by me, Josh’s mom:
“I was at a friend's home early in the am for a garage sale when she told me that Josh called and said, “call me, its serious”. I guess I didn’t hear my phone. He had gone surfing EARLY. I called him and he said, “I need stitches.” To which I replied, “Wait! Let me sit down”. He told me what happened, said he lost consciousness a couple times and couldn’t open or close his mouth all the way, it hurt. Good thing he went with 3 friends who helped him. He told me, “All I thought about was ‘don’t let go of the board.’ “
“In the ER (they recognized me as I work at the hosp) when the nurse was triaging him and cleaning up the wound (painful) he had a vasovagal response (which he is prone to do) and I watched him start to fade away. I know this because I know Josh and his responses (he’s done it a few times with me). I said, “Josh. Josh!” He aroused a bit but he said “I can’t feel my arms and hands are tingly.” At that point, haste was made to put him on a gurney (he had been sitting) with a cervical collar and there was talk about transferring to a trauma unit. He could move everything but as he was lying there, he said he couldn’t breathe, that unless he thought about it, he didn’t breathe. Geeze.
He “came around” within a few minutes, numbness subsided, tingling abated and color majorly improved (its amazing how pale a tanned person can get), started to get irritable (naturally). His head was raised a bit and he breathed easier. Got CTs of his head and jaw which showed no fractures, no cervical spine injury. PTL. So a concussion. Got 6 staples in his head. Still has a headache. It’s not going to be a fun night because he’s going to want to sleep. Oh, and go to a friends grad party. Oh well. We'll see.
Vaso-Vagal Response
Intense pain, (such as what Josh felt), may cause a temporary, exaggerated vasovagal response by your autonomic nervous system. As a result, your heart rate and blood pressure drop, which reduces blood flow to your brain. This results in a feeling of warmth, lightheadedness, dimming of vision and hearing, and even fainting (vasovagal syncope).
Typical triggers for vasovagal syncope include:prolonged standing or upright sitting
any painful or unpleasant stimuli, such as giving blood, injuries, the sight of blood...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
How I Met Mr. Wonderful
My husband and I have been married for 25+ years. More than a quarter of a century of wedded bliss. Well, YOU know how it goes. Anyway, here’s my story:
A little background: I was a registered nurse a couple years into my career working on a medical/surgical floor at my local hospital. I was not “looking” for anyone and was not a party-all-night kind of girl. More like young, naïve, a bit shy, and probably boring. I liked to read. Ha. I had had a couple relationships in the past but nothing serious or at least they shouldn’t have been. At this point in my life, having passed the dreaded state board exam (on the first attempt, mind you) I still had a lot to learn and I wanted to be the best nurse I could be. I had (still do have) a large, strong family (I am the eldest of six, 5 girls and 1 boy) and a few good friends. I was in my mid-twenties and living on my own making a very nice income. I thought I was fine. I would find Mr. Right when the time came. I wasn’t worried.
On this particular night in early January 1979, I was working the 3-11pm shift and I had “floated” to work on another floor as they needed another nurse. It was my turn to go. After my shift was over I went back to my floor where my co-workers told me I was to go to the kitchen to talk to my Friend, (who was the assistant head nurse-that’s what that position was called in those days). Okay, no big deal, so down the hall I went. Well…. when I entered the little, tiny kitchen Friend was happily talking to two-not one, but TWO-very handsome, scrumptious-looking California Highway Patrol officers, in full uniform and looking so good!….mmm mmm! I tell ya, I am such a sucker for a man in uniform. I stammered through our introductions thinking, “How do I get out of here!” when my friend said to Steve, (one of the officers), “Let’s leave so these two can talk,” and out she walked with Steve in tow. Heaven help me! That tiny kitchen managed to get even smaller.
Let me just say here that Friend had a lot of CHP friends as she used to be married to one…but that is another story.
Richard (that was his name) and I just looked at each other. I know I was beet red and sweaty with embarrassment. I muttered, “I’m gonna kill her!” He said, “Yeah.” Uncomfortable pause… silence. Ugh! He said, “Was this a set up?” Oh my gosh, what was I supposed to say?!?! I looked into those clear don't-miss-a-thing, hazel colored eyes and that strong, serious, excuse-me-ma’am-the-reason-I-pulled-you-over face, stammered some more and said, “I don’t know…uh, “they” said Friend wanted me in the kitchen. I didn’t know about this.” Oh, I just wanted to disappear somehow! I’m not afraid to meet people but this was just not a good time, too uncomfortable. And as I later learned, Richard does not do well in this type of situation either.
Okay, well, we were finished with whatever that was (an introduction?!) and out of that kitchen we walked never to see each other again and that would be too soon for me. That’s what I was feeling at the time. We met, that was it!
To be continued…..maybe...
Sunday, April 6, 2008
She "Saved" My Life

My 24 year-old daughter introduced me to yoga. She came across free classes given by our local department of recreation. In a very non-pressuring way she informed me that she was going to check out the classes and I was welcome to join her. "No pressure," she assured me, "Just wanted to let you know if you thought you might be interested."
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Just back from a cruise commemorating our 25th wedding anniversary. My wonderful and very thoughtful husband booked us a penthouse suite. Boy, am I ever spoiled from now on. Since we are not in the habit of carousing all nite and up late in bars and such, the space in the suite was wonderful for us to lounge, read, watch a movie and just relax--which was the whole point of the trip. We did get off the boat in Cabo San Lucas. Hopped on a jetski and jetted out to the point, saw the arch, jumped in the ocean and had fun. The water was wonderful as the weather was very, very hot. I only splurged on a very nice pair of earrings.