Tuesday, May 6, 2008


“Jesus, draw me ever nearer as I labor through this storm

You have called me to this passage and I’ll follow though I’m worn.”

Good friends are precious and hard to find. I love my friends. They help me in so many ways whether they know it or not.

Years ago, one of these friends’ young daughter ended up in the hospital with a sudden and emergent, very life-threatening condition. It was such a shock to everyone. She had surgery and was hospitalized for just about 10 weeks. My friend was at her side every step of the way (as any parent would be).

“Jesus guide me through the tempest, keep my spirits staid and sure

When the midnight meets the morning, let me love you even more.”

Early on in the hospital stay, when the situation was dire with many unanswerable questions, I came to visit with them. On this occasion I was lucky enough to be there to pray with them. Oh, what a prayer! It was sweet and simple, full of trust, love and most of all, faith.

“LORD, we thank You for trusting us with this,” prayed my friend’s husband, a very sanguine, happy-go-lucky, jokester-kind-of-person.

“Let the treasures of the trial form within me as I go

And at the end of this long passage, let me leave them at Your throne.”

To say I was shocked is an understatement. I was so humbled and, yes, grateful that these people were my friends. The words drove straight into my heart and I have never forgotten them. I have carried this short but pure and simple prayer with me ever since that time. I have brought it to mind when I have been in small storms of my own. Those words have been a blessing to me!

“May this journey bring a blessing, may I rise on wings of faith

And at the end of my heart’s testing, with your likeness, let me wake.”

That was more than a decade ago and that young daughter has her own little girl, (my friend’s sweet granddaughter), and is doing wonderfully in every respect.

What a blessing!

Song: Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer

Music by Keith Getty Lyrics by Margaret Becker

2Cor 4:16, 17

16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.


Ynaffit said...

Yes, I am alive and well, and I will never stop praising Him for His unending, unexplainable, unattainable, unfathomable, unknown, unfailing miracles!!!

Unknown said...

Excellent words dear friend!

shaybert said...

Wow. I guess I shall just have to blog about the blessing that you were to ME in that scary time. Friends Forever... someone should write song about that... Kindred Spirits! Blessings my friend, Shay